Study finds wariness from consumers
A study from GetApp found that US consumers’ confidence in biometric tech has decreased in the past two years.
Rob Tringali/MLB Photos via Getty Images
The use of biometric technology to reduce friction in sports venues is a rising trend – and in many cases has seen promising returns in expediting ingress and transaction times, garnering repeat users, and ROI.
Teams, leagues and vendors considering implementing such technology across their businesses, however, must always have consumer comfort and regulatory compliance top of mind. And that critical element of fan buy-in may prove an increasingly uphill battle as, according to studies by software review platform GetApp, US consumers’ confidence in biometric tech has decreased in the past two years following a peak in 2022.
GetApp has conducted surveys on consumer sentiment regarding business’ use of biometric technologies in 2020, 2022 and 2024. Among the findings were that consumer comfort sharing the following forms of biometric data fell between 2022 and 2024:
- Fingerprint data: From 63% in 2022 to 50% in 2024.
- Face scan data: From 44% in 2022 to 33% in 2024.
- Voice scan data: 34% in 2022 to 20% in 2024.
Each of those 2022 percentages represented high points in GetApp’s three surveys. The 2024 fingerprint and voice scan percentages were lows, while the face scan figure narrowly eclipsed 32% approval from respondents in 2020.
“Two years ago, our analysis found that comfort with biometric technologies had generally increased as a result of their role in easing many of the challenges caused by the pandemic (e.g., touchless solutions),” wrote Zach Capers, senior analyst at GetApp. “Now, in 2024, comfort levels have declined precipitously.”
GetApp’s report did not touch on sports-specific use-cases, but consumer sentiment around the collection and use of face scan data is particularly notable for venue operators. Recent high-profile examples of the use of facial authentication in US pro sports include:
That is far from all, of course – and biometric data is comprised of more than facial recognition technology. Mashgin, which has AI self-checkout kiosks in 100 sports venues, in January announced an integration with biometrics startup Keyo to rival Amazon One’s palm scanning payment system, as one example.
Sports entities will need to be sure to address privacy and security issues up front with fans as they adopt these technologies. Chief among the factors underlying declining consumer comfort, GetApp revealed, is fading trust in technology companies’ “ability to protect biometric data” – respondents that answered “highly trust” in that respect fell from 28% in 2022 to 5% in 2024. Those that support the use of facial recognition in retail environments also precipitously declined (from 49% to 25%) between 2022 and 2024, although other use-cases like security maintained majority support.
What’s more, six states now have enacted biometric privacy laws and 17 have proposed legislation (plus the proposed “Stop Spying Bosses Act” at the federal level), as of the last update to law firm BCLP’s biometric laws and pending legislation tracker in June 2023. As regulatory standards evolve, so too must business’ vigilance in adhering to them – and transparently communicating with consumers.
“It’s possible that consumer attitudes toward biometrics will rebound over the next couple of years,” Capers wrote. “But for now, businesses must recognize that biometrics are facing both public doubt and regulatory scrutiny.”