Visual Communication Is Transforming Marketing — Are You Up To Speed?

It’s official: Planet Earth spends a billion hours on YouTube every day. Cisco estimates that 80% of all consumer internet traffic will be video by 2020, but that’s not the only visual communication that customers are demanding — 91% of buyers prefer interactive and visual content over traditional (read: text-based and static) media.

Media is working hard to answer the demand for visual content. The New York Times alone now publishes at least 15 multimedia pieces per day. But many marketers are still trailing far behind when it comes to adopting effective visual communication strategies.

In 2016, the Content Marketing Institute reported that the biggest increase in B2B content marketing usage was in illustration and photos, up to 76% from 69% in 2015. But even though 79% of marketers were also using video, a stunning two-thirds of content creators said they still needed a better understanding of what content is effective and what isn’t.

All of this goes to show that, although marketers are rushing to adopt the types of visual media that their customers want, they don’t yet know how to use that media effectively. Below, I share how you can learn to identify smart, shareable visual communication when you see it, and why implementing a visual strategy is essential right now.

Visual communication: What is it and why should you care?

Visual communication graphically represents information to efficiently and effectively create meaning. When necessary, limited text is used. It can encompass a diverse array of visual media, including:

  • Interactivity
  • Iconography
  • Animation
  • Illustration
  • Supporting text
  • Graphs
  • Data visualization

With the online video boom and the rise of quick and easy sharing via social media channels, visual communication has emerged as the primary way to engage with today’s audiences. The speed with which visuals are being embraced is dizzying: By January 2017, AdWeek was reporting that, in a survey of more than 300 marketers, 53% said that visual material was a part of 91-100% of their published content.

But there’s still a problem. Many marketers aren’t choosing the most effective application of visual content. 35% of participants in that survey said they most often used stock images, and — no surprise — fewer than 8% said those photos inspired high engagement. The takeaway? The quality of your assets can make or break a campaign. Customers today won’t settle for just any visual; they want a mixture of quality and authenticity that communicates why your brand is worth paying attention to.

Less text = more engagement.

Welcome to the golden age of content overload. Microsoft reports that attention spans are now shorter than a goldfish’s, at only eight seconds in 2015, down from 12 seconds in 2000. Marketers now have to work harder than ever to catch their audiences’ attention, and just any image won’t do.

The first step to creating an attention-grabbing visual asset is minimizing text. Smart visual content slashes through all of the filler and gets straight to the point. Such assets are also more shareable since social media users can digest and disseminate them quickly.

The good news is, despite our ever-waning focus, visuals manage to keep our attention for much longer than eight seconds. We not only watch an average of 8.4 minutes of YouTube every day, but two-thirds of video marketing clip viewers are still watching after 30 seconds — a significant attention span boost.

Interactivity, too, grabs and holds audiences’ attention, according to a 2016 study by Innovid Benchmarks. Interactive campaigns increased the time that viewers spent watching pre-roll ads by 44 seconds, and interactive video resulted in a staggering 591% increase in user activity as compared to standard pre-video ads.

We all know that images immediately boost engagement on social media, but PR personnel are taking the hint, too, and de-emphasizing text in their press releases in favor of a more visual approach. The result? A 1.4x increase in PR views when images are added, and a 2.8x increase with the inclusion of video.

Go where your audience is.

In 2016, 72% of B2B content creators said they wanted to create more engaging content. The best way to do so is to go where your audiences spend the most time.

The first step, then, is building a target demographic for each piece of visual content and for your visual campaign as a whole. Age, gender, geographic location, income: All these factors can provide clues as to what types of media your target audience prefers.

The next step is to build a media use profile of your target group. And you might run into a few surprises along the way. For instance, Nielsen reports that Gen-Xers actually spend more time on social media — seven hours per week — than millennials do; the latter average six hours weekly. Meanwhile, females aged 18+ spend more time on media, and specifically on social media, than males do.

You’ll want to plan your visual strategy around media that is best consumed on your customers’ preferred sites. For social media, you might lean toward micro-narratives, GIFs and video, whereas for audiences and industries in which homepage visits are common, you might beef up your interactive content. And of course, you’ll want to ensure all your content is mobile-friendly, especially for millennial audiences.

Visual communication is essential for connecting with audiences today, but your visual strategy has to be elegant and well-executed to capture and keep your viewers’ attention. Today’s visuals must communicate quality and capability. Anything less will go the way of text.
